Non-Communicable Disease Prevention Strategy in Global Public Health in North Labuhan Batu Regency


  • Ika Wahyu Safitri UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta


Non-communicable diseases, prevention, public health


Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer are significant global health challenges, especially in developing regions such as Labuhan Batu Utara Regency. This study aims to explore NCD prevention strategies through a qualitative approach. Through in-depth interviews with health workers, community leaders and high-risk individuals, it was found that unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity and smoking are the main risk factors. The community has a limited understanding of NCDs, with only 40% realising the associated risks. Although local governments have launched prevention programmes such as counselling and healthy lifestyle campaigns, low community participation and limited access to health facilities are major constraints. Recommendations to improve programme effectiveness include increasing community education and awareness and strengthening screening programmes at Puskesmas. This study emphasises the importance of collaboration between government, communities and health organisations to reduce the burden of NCDs and improve quality of life.




How to Cite

Wahyu Safitri, I. (2024). Non-Communicable Disease Prevention Strategy in Global Public Health in North Labuhan Batu Regency. Global Public Health Nusantara, 1(1), 21–34. Retrieved from