Transformation of Mutual Cooperation Values ​​in the Digital Era: A Case Study of Urban Societies in the Archipelago


  • Susanty Septi State Islamic University of Sultan Thaha Saifuddin


Mutual cooperation, Value Transformation, Digital Era, Urban Societ, Nusantara


This study aims to explore the transformation of mutual cooperation values ​​in the context of urban communities in the archipelago in the digital era. Mutual cooperation, as one of the basic values ​​deeply rooted in Indonesian culture, is now facing challenges due to the rapid development of technology and digitalization that affects social interactions in society. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method in urban communities with high digital access. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, participant observation, and literature analysis to understand how the concept of mutual cooperation has changed in participation patterns, forms of collaboration, and how people interact collectively in the digital space. The results of the study show that although the value of mutual cooperation remains relevant, the patterns and forms of its implementation have shifted, such as the increase in mutual cooperation activities based on digital platforms and changes in social relations in society. This study also identifies that digitalization allows the formation of virtual mutual cooperation, which allows people to continue to collaborate even though they do not meet physically. These findings provide important insights for the government and other stakeholders in designing social policies that facilitate the strengthening of mutual cooperation values ​​in the digital era.




How to Cite

Septi, S. (2024). Transformation of Mutual Cooperation Values ​​in the Digital Era: A Case Study of Urban Societies in the Archipelago. Nusantara Journal of Social Science, 1(1), 7–11. Retrieved from