Exploring the Socio-Cultural Wealth of the Archipelago: The Strategic Role of the Archipelago Journal of Social Sciences


  • Fuad Ajrul Universuty of Jambi


Nusantara, Indonesia, Socio-cultural studies, Academic Jurnal, Internationalization, Cross-country Collaboration


This article discusses the strategic role of Nusantara Journal of Social Sciences as a major platform in elevating and promoting Nusantara socio-cultural studies to the global level. With a focus on various social, cultural, and ethnographic issues in Indonesia, the journal offers a rich and in-depth perspective on the unique society of Nusantara. This study shows that the journal plays a role not only as a medium for scholarly publication but also as an effective means of internationalization, which is able to bridge local research with the global academic community. Through cross-border collaboration and the application of strict peer-review standards, Nusantara Journal of Social Sciences has succeeded in improving the quality and exposure of Indonesian socio-cultural studies, enriching global dialogue with diverse local perspectives. This study supports the idea that regional academic journals with an international focus can play an important role in strengthening local knowledge and expanding global understanding.




How to Cite

Ajrul, F. (2024). Exploring the Socio-Cultural Wealth of the Archipelago: The Strategic Role of the Archipelago Journal of Social Sciences. Nusantara Journal of Social Science, 1(1), 18–23. Retrieved from https://jurnal-nusantara.bangangga.com/index.php/NJSS/article/view/114