The Role of Interpersonal Communication in the Formation of Social Identity: A Literature Perspective


  • Ika Wahyu Safitri UIN Sunan Kalijaga yogyakarta


Interpersonal communication, social identity, emotional intelligence, digital technology, cultural dynamics, social support


Interpersonal communication is the core of social interaction that plays an important role in the formation of social identity. Social identity is formed through repeated interaction processes, creating stable and deep relationship patterns. This study comprehensively examines the role of interpersonal communication in the formation of social identity by reviewing various cultural, social, and psychological perspectives. Using a systematic literature review approach, this study identifies key theories and empirical findings that show how factors such as emotional intelligence, social support, and the influence of digital technology influence the dynamics of identity formation. The results of the study indicate that interpersonal communication not only functions as a means of sharing information and emotions, but also becomes an important mechanism in building self-awareness and individual integration into social groups. The use of digital technology, such as social media, opens up opportunities to expand cross-cultural interactions and enrich social identity, although it has the potential to pose challenges, such as anonymity that reduces the sense of connection and the risk of marginalization. This study also underlines the importance of cultural aspects and emotional experiences in forming a strong social identity. Emotional support from family, friends, and community can help individuals deal with social stigma, while cross-cultural experiences, such as cultural exchange programs, strengthen adaptability and inclusiveness. By integrating findings from multiple disciplines, this study suggests the development of effective interpersonal communication strategies to support inclusive social relationships, strengthen social cohesion, and enhance individual well-being amidst the increasingly complex dynamics of modern society.




How to Cite

Safitri, I. W. (2024). The Role of Interpersonal Communication in the Formation of Social Identity: A Literature Perspective. Spectrum of Disciplines Journal, 1(1), 13–21. Retrieved from