About the Journal

Spectrum of Disciplines Journal (SODJ) is an open-access, peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to advancing research and knowledge across interdisciplinary fields. The journal serves as a platform for publishing innovative studies, theoretical discussions, and empirical research that engage with various areas of knowledge, building connections between different academic domains to address complex global challenges.

All submitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous editorial process, including evaluation by at least two international reviewers through a double-blind peer review system. This ensures the quality, integrity, and relevance of the articles published.

First launched in 2024, SODJ is published twelve times a year, in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. The journal's scope includes, but is not limited to, research in the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, engineering, health sciences, business, and the arts. It aims to promote research that connects various disciplines and fosters a holistic understanding of issues that span multiple fields of study.

The development focus of SODJ includes exploring interdisciplinary approaches to global challenges such as climate change, sustainability, public health, technological innovation, social justice, and economic development. The journal also emphasizes the importance of cross-disciplinary collaboration in developing research and solutions to urgent problems in education, governance, culture, and human well-being.

SODJ aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas and the development of innovative solutions that are relevant to both academic scholarship and real-world applications. The journal encourages the integration of diverse perspectives to address complex social issues and contributes to the formation of a more connected and comprehensive academic community.

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Nusantara Spectrum of Dicipline Journal: Desember 2024
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